Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Buying A Home The Maria Way!

Okay, I'm not having the best year so far. Stories are coming for the book, but there are a million things to do in any given day, especially with the new semester and my constant desire to own a home. I decided last year that this year would be the year I buy a home. I'm so tired of living in this townhouse and renting, so I decided to make that the one present I give myself for 2008; anything else I want is pushed back (though I think there may be money for a Plasma screen TV on Black Friday). But, I am great at getting things done in the hardest way possible.

The rundown is like this. I'm looking to buy my own home this year and find my mother a home (she's still renting too), but I want us to be close to one another in proximity and I don't want a townhouse. My lease is up here March 31 as well, so I'm on a pretty strict deadline. That's right around midterm time for school and, of course, I'm intent on getting my full security deposit back, which means I have 5 years of damage to cover up before then, not to mention packing and such.

Like the rest of my family, not only do I work well under pressure, I actually seem to prefer it to having a lot of time. Therefore, I am sure I will get moved out by my deadline, but I cannot control the red tape with buying a house, and that has been my holdup. It's a cute little fixer-upper, at the right price (for me, this means LOW), so I'm excited about it, but there is a lot of work left to do to even get the seller to accept the offer, so who knows!

I don't have anything of substance to add at the moment, but I doubt anyone is complaining (cue crickets chirping), but I have a lot of stuff I want to cover in upcoming entries. I really want to do something long on the presidential race and I'm also really dying to get some news items covered (though at this rate they'll hardly be news anymore when I get to them). One thing is for sure, nothing stops, so there will always be something to discuss.

Hm, maybe I'll also do an entry on home-buying tips, if I ever get one bought. Take good care!